Saturday, December 20, 2014


I've just finished up my penultimate semester at SJSU A/I. It's been a busy and hectic but extremely rewarding semester and I've grown as an artist and a person over it's course. Besides doing my BFA work, I spent my time interning at PDI Dreamworks, and it has been amazing. I've learned so much and met so many awesome people. 

I'll update this later with my WIP shot from work.

This is my final BFA shot from this semester, and a culmination of things I've learned. It may not be the most exciting but I'm proud of it. Still have a lot of work to do!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A box of good or evil

I've started my last/BFA year in SJSU's Animation/Illustraion department! It's already a little nuts. Our first assignment was for all disciplines: we had to design a key that opens the box of good or evil, and what is inside.

For mine, its a western, and evil. A modified strongbox (like the kind a stagecoach would carry bank to bank) that holds the cursed revolver of a murderous outlaw, haunted by his ghost.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Portrait practice

Forgot to post, some portrait paintings from earlier in the summer before I was driving everywhere. Bottom 3 are master studies.

Monday, July 14, 2014


I've just gotten back from one of the coolest experiences of my life, SummerArts! I met and got to know a ton of awesome people, learned more about my craft (also that I'm terrible at ultimate frisbee), visited the aquarium, and had a blast!

We spent two weeks creating a character and then animating them in a scene (or in some cases, short films!) The first few days were spent finding a character from acting with masks, and from there, we began to create our characters. Mine ended up being an overzealous movie usher who is waaaaay too into his job.

Some doodles and my modded rig (Malcolm from AnimSchool)

After two weeks, 12 hour days, and critiques from our guest artists Rob Thompson and Ryan Woodward and coordinator Aubry Mintz, I had this (still very much a WIP) animation to show for it!

I'm super proud of what my classmates and I accomplished in such a short amount of time, and I can't wait to keep working on this piece, I had so much fun learning on it.

Also, Monterrey Bay Aquarium doodles!

So glad I got to have this experience. Thank you guys!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

little bit for summertime

After a few glorious weeks of summer hibernation its time to werq

Also, in just a few weeks I'm off to Monterey for CSU Summerarts! I'm stoooooked.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The semester is over!

Last final today! Here is my final project from my vis dev class. We were assigned to illustrate 3 story beats from the Grimms fairytale The Crystal Ball. I learned a lot from the class, especially my weaknesses to work on over summer going into BFA. :)

And a little bit of design work:

Friday, May 16, 2014

some animation for once!

My animation final is done! Here are all my shots I worked on this semester, which was my first ever dialogue class. Had so much fun, especially on the middle one. 

Then some bats! From my latest vis dev assignment, we had to design a driver and a gunner for a racing type game. Not posting their truck yet because it needs way to many fixes, but these guys will keep til I can get to them. 

Also some odds and ends from the past few weeks:

Semester is almost done. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Late to show, but here are my finished pieces for my 1980's flower shop owner and her shop! I learned a lot on this project, mostly with perspective! But also finding a clearer voice in my work when figuring out this character. Her style is loosely inspired by Al Hiershfelds caricature work, which was a pretty great find. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

new vis dev assignment

Our current assignment is to design a flower shop in 1980's New York and its owner. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

School started!

Another (personal) character design project I'm working on alongside a class I TA for.

And some personal doodles of sphinxes from some figure drawing sessions. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

winter break: the sequel

More on Republic of Thieves
Dunno how I feel about the coloring, I'm still figuring out linework and coloring said linework.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Break stuff!

Trying to stay busy and work on things that I missed this semester, primarily character based stuff. 

Some figure draws

Photoshop practice!

A some drawins' for a character design project I'm working on.
(Based on the Gentleman Bastard Sequence by Scott Lynch)

And a little test in my ongoing battle to understand Maya